Um espaço para trocarmos idéias sobre pesquisas em design, sustentabilidade, sociedade, arte educação e assim por diante.

A place to exchange views about researches in the fields of design, sustainability, society, art education and so on.

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

IBM Smart cities – a step sideward

IBM’s “Smart Planet” project is “a step forward in a backward moving model”; it is a step sideward.

First of all, the goal of the project, as shown in their website, is to increase the Planet’s efficiency by increasing value, reducing costs and reduce waste of products and services. This efficiency is achieved by a systemic approach; by identifying and organizing the connections between different sectors (transportation, health care, commerce, business and products & services). In this approach they pretend to predict consumer behavior in the above mentioned sectors in order to “map” the modus operandi of a society. Once they have mapped it, they can articulate an improvement on the model, which will be coordinated by a centralized power (such as the city hall).   

A say that it is “a step forward in a backward moving model” because at the same time that they are realizing the systemic way that our society work; they are not changing our failing societal models. What I mean is that, to achieve a balanced society as they want through their project, the improvement should be applied to every city so that the entire world is really connected. However, our present economic model relies on having underdeveloped communities: in order to have cheap products and services, we need to have cheap labor, low taxes, and cheap raw materials; therefore, it needs people working with unfair salaries and exploitation.

                Therefore the project aims in an incomplete systemic approach, in consider a city as a closed system, and, even if it consider the connection to other cities involved in the initiative, it does not takes into consideration the entire world as a system of systems.

                As we are having many initiatives to reach a sustainable society and, the scope of the IBM’s project does not aim on this goal; my question is: What is the adaptive capacity of their project? If their initiative is applied on a city, how can his city adapt to new models of societal settings without collapsing? Is their model, at all, adaptive?

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