Um espaço para trocarmos idéias sobre pesquisas em design, sustentabilidade, sociedade, arte educação e assim por diante.

A place to exchange views about researches in the fields of design, sustainability, society, art education and so on.

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Waste Land Movie - must see

I saw this movie some weeks ago and I was waiting for some free time to talk about it here. It is a “must see” movie.

It is about a work that the Brazilian plastic artist Vik Muniz made with workers from the biggest trash city in the world. The first half of the movie I think it is something that everybody should see; it is about the “life of the trash”, it shows where the stuff that we careless throw in our trash can ends, it presents a different point of view of our material culture, which, I think, it’s very useful for designers.

They show the life of people who get their livelihood from the trash, how the live, what they find, and so on.

The other half is also very interesting; it concerns Vik’s art work with those people. It is more related to the Art world and how Art can change other people’s life.

So, if you are interested or not in Art and Design, you must see this movie!

Here is the link for the movie’s website: